




误区一:阻燃剂用量越多,阻燃效果越好 Myth 1: the more the flame retardant dose, the better the flame retardant   极限氧指数及UL-94测试实验表明,材料的阻燃性能与阻燃剂的用量有一定的关系。随着阻燃剂添加量的增多,阻燃效果呈现出先增强后减弱的趋势,且加入过多的阻燃剂对材料的力学性能具有较大的影响。 The limit oxygen index and the ul-94 test showed that the flame retardant properties of the material had a certain relationship with the amount of flame retardant. With the increasing of the flame retardant additives, flame retardant effect showed enhanced then weakening trend, and add too much fire retardant has severe influence on the mechanical properties of the material.   误区二:溴系阻燃剂是对人体和环境是无害的 Myth 2: bromine flame retardants are harmless to humans and the environment   溴系阻燃剂包括70多个品种,绝大多数溴系阻燃剂经过严格评估证明对人体及环境无害,但有个别结构溴系阻燃剂在一定条件(比如不完全燃烧)下燃烧能形成二噁英。二噁英包括210种化合物,这类物质非常稳定,熔点较高,极难溶于水,可以溶于大部分有机溶剂,是无色无味的脂溶性物质,所以非常容易在生物体内积累,对人体危害严重。 Bromine flame retardants including more than 70 varieties, the vast majority of the bromide flame retardants prove harmless to the human body and the environment through strict assessment, but there are individual structure of bromine flame retardants under certain conditions, such as incomplete combustion combustion can form dioxins. Dioxin including 210 compounds, this kind of material is very stable, high melting point, extremely difficult to dissolve in water, can dissolve in most organic solvents, is a colorless, odorless fat-soluble substances, so very easy accumulated in organisms, severely harmful to the human body.   误区三:阻燃等级越高越好 Myth: the higher the flame retardant rating, the better   不同用途对阻燃性有不同要求,一般说来,人们总希望材料的阻燃性级别高一些。但事实上各种阻燃测试方法都有其局限性,其结论都是相对的。因此并不是阻燃级别越高越好,例如通常认为UL94V-0级的材料比V-2级的好。然而某些电器产品要求材料具有抗电弧点燃性,这时V-2级就比V-0级好。因为94V-2 级塑料不会在电作用下形成导电而结焦,从而大大降低了着火的可能性,而94V-0级塑料则相反。 Different USES have different requirements for flame retardant, generally speaking, people want the flame retardant level of the material to be higher. But in fact, all kinds of fire retardant testing methods have their limitations, and their conclusions are relative. As a result, it is not as high as the flame retardant level is better, for example, it is generally considered that the material of the UL94V minus 0 is better than the v-2 level. However, some electrical products require resistance to arc ignition, and V minus 2 is better than V minus 0. Because 94v-2-grade plastics do not cause conduction by electric power, they greatly reduce the likelihood of fire, whereas 94v-0 plastic is the opposite.   误区四:PP阻燃剂与阻燃母粒一样 Myth 4: PP flame retardants are like flame-retardant mothers   PP阻燃剂是粉剂,适用于改性造粒,需要复合其他协效剂进行配方设计,而PP阻燃母粒,是阻燃剂的复合配方后的浓度母粒,有载体和复合阻燃剂,双螺杆造粒而成,可以直接加工制品,也可以造粒。 PP flame retardants is powder, suitable for modified granulation, need compound other association effect agent formula design, and PP flame retardant masterbatch, flame retardant is the concentration of the compound formula of masterbatch, carrier and composite flame retardant, twin-screw granulation and become, can be directly processed products, can also be granulation.
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  3. 网址:www.haozhengkj.com
  4. 地址:河北省廊坊市文安县赵各庄镇郭辛庄村东
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  6. 咨询热线:0316-7273700

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