




The flame retardant efficiency is high, which can give the composite good self extinguishing or combustibility, and it has good compatibility and can be well compatible with the composite and easy to xianwei.89ix.cn banjia.89ix.cn bdbaojie.89ix.cn shuizha.89ix.cn tuliao.89ix.cn bolilinpian.89ix.cn disperse; 3. It has a suitable decomposition temperature, that is, it is not decomposed at the processing temperature of the composite, but it can be rapidly decomposed to play in the heat decomposition of the composite. The effect of flame retardant; (4) non-toxic or low toxic, odorless, non polluting, no toxic gases in the flame retardant process; 5. When used with composite materials, the mechanical properties, electrical properties, weatherability and thermal deformation temperature are not reduced; (6) the durability is good and can be retained in the products of the compound material for a long time and play its flame retardancy. Use; the source is widely cheap
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  2. 座机:0316-2357828
  3. 网址:www.haozhengkj.com
  4. 地址:河北省廊坊市文安县赵各庄镇郭辛庄村东
  5. 销售二部:河北省霸州市112国道太平道623号
  6. 咨询热线:0316-7273700

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